
    “Oh, yes!—that, that is the worst of all.Till I was in Kent, and saw so much both of Mr. Darcy and his relation Colonel Fitzwilliam, I was ignorant of the truth myself. And when I returned home, the—shire was to leave Meryton in a week or fortnight's time.As that was the case, neither Jane, to whom I related the whole, nor I, thought it necessary to make our knowledge public;for of what use could it apparently be to any one,that the good opinion which all the neighbourhood had of him should then be overthrown?And even when it was settled that Lydia should go with Mrs.Forster,the necessity of opening her eyes to his character never occurred to me.That she could be in any danger from the deception never entered my head.That such a consequence as this could ensue, you may easily believe, was far enough from my thoughts.”

    “When they all removed to Brighton, therefore, you had no reason,I suppose,to believe them fond of each other?”

    “Not the slightest.I can remember no symptom of affection on either side; and had anything of the kind been perceptible,you must be aware that ours is not a family on which it could be thrown away.When first he entered the corps,she was ready enough to admire him;but so we all were.Every girl in or near Meryton was out of her senses about him for the first two months;but he never distinguished her by any particular attention;and,consequently, after a moderate period of extravagant and wild admiration,her fancy for him gave way,and others of the regiment,who treated her with more distinction,again became her favourites.”

    It may be easily believed,that however little of novelty could be added to their fears,hopes,and conjectures,on this interesting subject, by its repeated discussion, no other could detain them from it long, during the whole of the journey. From Elizabeth's thoughts it was never absent. Fixed there by the keenest of all anguish, self-reproach, she could find no interval of ease or forgetfulness.

    They travelled as expeditiously as possible, and, sleeping one night on the road, reached Longbourn by dinner time the next day.It was a comfort to Elizabeth to consider that Jane could not have been wearied by long expectations.

    The little Gardiners, attracted by the sight of a chaise, were standing on the steps of the house as they entered the paddock;and, when the carriage drove up to the door, the joyful surprise that lighted up their faces,and displayed itself over their whole bodies,in a variety of capers and frisks, was the first pleasing earnest of their welcome.

    Elizabeth jumped out;and, after giving each of them a hasty kiss,hurried into the vestibule,where Jane,who came running down from her mother's apartment,immediately met her.

    Elizabeth,as she affectionately embraced her,whilst tears filled the eyes of both,lost not a moment in asking whether anything had been heard of the fugitives.

    “Not yet,”replied Jane.“But now that my dear uncle is come,I hope everything will be well.”

    “Is my father in town?”

    “Yes,he went on Tuesday,as I wrote you word.”

    “And have you heard from him often?”

    “We have heard only once.He wrote me a few lines on Wednesday to say that he had arrived in safety,and to give me his directions, which I particularly begged him to do.He merely added that he should not write again till he had something of importance to mention.”

    “And my mother—how is she?How are you all?”

    “My mother is tolerably well, I trust; though her spirits are greatly shaken.She is upstairs and will have great satisfaction in seeing you all.She does not yet leave her dressing-room.Mary and Kitty,thank Heaven,are quite well.”

    “But you—how are you?”cried Elizabeth.“You look pale.How much you must have gone through!”

    Her sister,however,assured her of her being perfectly well;and their conversation, which had been passing while Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner were engaged with their children,was now put an end to by the approach of the whole party.Jane ran to her uncle and aunt,and welcomed and thanked them both,with alternate smiles and tears.

    When they were all in the drawing-room,the questions which Elizabeth had already asked were of course repeated by the others,and they soon found that Jane had no intelligence to give. The sanguine hope of good,however,which the benevolence of her heart suggested had not yet deserted her;she still expected that it would all end well, and that every morning would bring some letter, either from Lydia or her father, to explain their proceedings,and,perhaps,announce their marriage.

    Mrs.Bennet,to whose apartment they all repaired,after a few minutes' conversation together, received them exactly as might be expected; with tears and lamentations of regret, invectives against the villainous conduct of Wickham,and complaints of her own sufferings and ill-usage; blaming everybody but the person to whose ill-judging indulgence the errors of her daughter must principally be owing.

    “If I had been able,”said she,“to carry my point in going to Brighton,with all my family, this would not have happened;but poor dear Lydia had nobody to take care of her.Why did the Forsters ever let her go out of their sight? I am sure there was some great neglect or other on their side,for she is not the kind of girl to do such a thing if she had been well looked after. I always thought they were very unfit to have the charge of her;but I was overruled, as I always am. Poor dear child!And now here's Mr.Bennet gone away,and I know he will fight Wickham, wherever he meets him and then he will be killed,and what is to become of us all?The Collinses will turn us out before he is cold in his grave,and if you are not kind to us,brother,I do not know what we shall do.”

    They all exclaimed against such terrific ideas;and Mr.Gardiner, after general assurances of his affection for her and all her family, told her that he meant to be in London the very next day, and would assist Mr.Bennet in every endeavour for recovering Lydia.
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一个被人称为“废物”的少爷,偶尔得到了一个金属盘,从此他的人生道路发生了天翻地覆的变化,在这个充满斗气与魔法的世界里,他却成为了一个修仙者,且看这个修仙者,如何在斗气和魔法的世界纵横吧? 聪明狡黠的人族少女、纯洁高贵的精灵族大祭司、妖媚风骚的狐族公主……众多的红颜知己围绕在主角身旁,伴随着主角在整个大陆上成就了一番如史诗般的神话。 神界、魔界……看主角如何在强大的敌人面前游刃有余。 这是一部不可不看,不得不看的小说。
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一个少年天才,因冲击武师境失败从此沦为一名废物,他遭受宗派的丢弃,受尽同门师兄的辱骂嘲讽。他不甘心,随后无意间得到一白色石头,便开始了从新修炼之旅。少年虽没有令人羡慕的天赋,但是却有惊人的修炼速度。他凭着惊人毅力,一路过关斩将,踏上武道巅峰!(为方便您的阅读请点击下方的收藏此书 ↓) 小说关键词:逆天武神无弹窗,逆天武神txt全集下载,逆天武神最新章节阅读
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他看着她甜美的睡颜,忍不住微笑着又吻了下去。 清浅,以后我一定不会再让你受伤害,一定让你做我一辈子幸福的小女人,不过,无论再发生什么事情,无论他的决定会造成多坏的影响产生多糟的后果,他都绝对不会有一丁点的犹豫 清浅,以后我一定不会再让你受伤害,一定让你做我一辈子幸福的小女人。
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“我说要娶她,她宁愿抛绣球招亲也不肯嫁我?她是什么眼光?”某世子额上青筋一抽,咬牙低咆:“行,她想抛绣球,就让她抛!她想招亲,就让她招!” 侍卫们闻言喜极而泣,主子英明,终于决定远离那只人面兽心的母老虎。 “世子要是想给她几分颜色瞧瞧,不如抢在她前面先成婚?想嫁世子的女人可是从城东排到城西,看您是想娶小家碧玉还是大家闺秀,我们明儿就去——” “闭嘴!”某世子斜眼扫去,磨牙冷笑:“去,你们去提醒她务必把这场招亲办得盛大热闹。若是赶不及需要帮忙,尽管开口,本世子会亲自下令,让全城百姓全力配合!” 于是招亲当日,官道两旁的店铺照例开门营业,但某女站到高台才发现—— 四面八方宽达百余尺的官道上空荡荡的,没有一个人、一匹马,甚至连一只小狗小猫也不复见。而大道两旁被插满了无数支宛若赤炎般鲜红的大旗,旗帜猎猎作响,每面旗上都用黄金绣线绣了四个大字——赤、炎、金、猊! 各家酒楼的老掌柜们纷纷摸着心口对天发誓,他们活到现在还没见到这条街空过。 她要嫁人?好,很好,非常好。她要嫁人,他就让她嫁……给他! 一辆贵妃榻慢悠悠地抬入官道,这位赤炎世子四仰八叉坐在上面,啜着茶似笑非笑道:“行了,聘礼贵府已收,本世子赶时间快把绣球抛下来吧!” 某女怒火已飙,又见婢女奉上聘金才二两,直接脱了绣鞋砸下去:“抛你妹夫!” 【身心纯洁,洁癖党可入。我是华丽丽的分割线】 她明为华国辅庶女,暗占两榜之首。除了武功差劲,时而抽风犯二,时而良心被泯,时而棍棒无眼专打人脸,其他技能绝逼高大上!生活不易,一路成名全靠手段跟演技。 他贵为皇朝第一世子,手握天下最强赤炎军,看似颖悟绝伦、风流蕴籍、睥然于世,一介文武双全的优质美少年,实则坑蒙拐骗偷,耍贱嘴毒一等下流。 “稍等,本世子嘴巴哪里毒了?你亲过了么?” “……作者大人,请再加嘴臭一条!” “栽赃,你都没亲过哪里……唔唔唔!” 拜托,他知书达理温文尔雅出口成章……省略无数自恋字眼后,瞅见某女身后狂蜂浪蝶,个个永不放弃,某世子吐掉嘴里抹布吼道:“喂,你们当自己是热气球呀,还永不放气?” 自荐完结玄幻文《岚郡主》:</a> </div>
玄幻奇幻 完结 327万字