
    Two days after Mr.Bennet's return,as Jane and Elizabeth were walking together in the shrubbery behind the house,they saw the housekeeper coming towards them, and, concluding that she came to call them to their mother, went forward to meet her; but, instead of the expected summons, when they approached her, she said to Miss Bennet,“I beg your pardon,madam,for interrupting you, but I was in hopes you might have got some good news from town,so I took the liberty of coming to ask.”

    “What do you mean,Hill?We have heard nothing from town.”

    “Dear madam,”cried Mrs. Hill, in great astonishment,“don't you know there is an express come for master from Mr.Gardiner? He has been here this half-hour,and master has had a letter.”

    Away ran the girls,too eager to get in to have time for speech. They ran through the vestibule into the breakfast-room; from thence to the library;their father was in neither;and they were on the point of seeking him upstairs with their mother,when they were met by the butler,who said:

    “If you are looking for my master,ma'am,he is walking towards the little copse.”

    Upon this information,they instantly passed through the hall once more, and ran across the lawn after their father, who was deliberately pursuing his way towards a small wood on one side of the paddock.

    Jane,who was not so light nor so much in the habit of running as Elizabeth, soon lagged behind, while her sister, panting for breath,came up with him,and eagerly cried out:

    “Oh, papa, what news—what news? Have you heard from my uncle?”

    “Yes I have had a letter from him by express.”

    “Well,and what news does it bring—good or bad?”

    “What is there of good to be expected?”said he, taking the letter from his pocket.“But perhaps you would like to read it.”

    Elizabeth impatiently caught it from his hand.Jane now came up.“Read it aloud,”said their father,“for I hardly know myself what it is about.”

    Gracechurch Street,Monday,August 2.

    “My dear Brother,

    “At last I am able to send you some tidings of my niece, and such as,upon the whole,I hope it will give you satisfaction.Soon after you left me on Saturday,I was fortunate enough to find out in what part of London they were.The particulars I reserve till we meet;it is enough to know they are discovered.I have seen them both—”

    “Then it is as I always hoped,”cried Jane;“they are married!”

    Elizabeth read on:

    “I have seen them both.They are not married,nor can I find there was any intention of being so; but if you are willing to perform the engagements which I have ventured to make on your side,I hope it will not be long before they are.All that is required of you is,to assure to your daughter,by settlement,her equal share of the five thousand pounds secured among your children after the decease of yourself and my sister;and,moreover,to enter into an engagement of allowing her,during your life,one hundred pounds per annum.These are conditions which,considering everything, I had no hesitation in complying with,as far as I thought myself privileged, for you. I shall send this by express, that no time may be lost in bringing me your answer. You will easily comprehend, from these particulars, that Mr. Wickham's circumstances are not so hopeless as they are generally believed to be.The world has been deceived in that respect;and I am happy to say there will be some little money,even when all his debts are discharged,to settle on my niece,in addition to her own fortune.If,as I conclude will be the case,you send me full powers to act in your name throughout the whole of this business,I will immediately give directions to Haggerston for preparing a proper settlement.There will not be the smallest occasion for your coming to town again;therefore stay quiet at Longbourn,and depend on my diligence and care.Send back your answer as fast as you can, and be careful to write explicitly.We have judged it best that my niece should be married from this house, of which I hope you will approve.She comes to us to-day.I shall write again as soon as anything more is determined on.Yours,etc.,


    “Is it possible?”cried Elizabeth,when she had finished.“Can it be possible that he will marry her?”

    “Wickham is not so undeserving,then,as we thought him,”said her sister.“My dear father,I congratulate you.”

    “And have you answered the letter?”cried Elizabeth.

    “No;but it must be done soon.”

    Most earnestly did she then entreaty him to lose no more time before he wrote.

    “Oh!my dear father,”she cried,“come back and write immediately. Consider how important every moment is in such a case.”

    “Let me write for you,”said Jane,“if you dislike the trouble yourself.”

    “I dislike it very much,”he replied;“but it must be done.”

    And so saying,he turned back with them,and walked towards the house.

    “And may I ask—”said Elizabeth;“but the terms, I suppose, must be complied with.”

    “Complied with!I am only ashamed of his asking so little.”

    “And they must marry!Yet he is such a man!”

    “Yes,yes,they must marry.There is nothing else to be done.But there are two things that I want very much to know;one is,how much money your uncle has laid down to bring it about;and the other,how am I ever to pay him.”

    “Money!My uncle!”cried Jane,“what do you mean,sir?”

    “I mean,that no man in his proper senses would marry Lydia on so slight a temptation as one hundred a year during my life,and fifty after I am gone.”

    “That is very true,”said Elizabeth;“though it had not occurred to me before.His debts to be discharged,and something still to remain!Oh!it must be my uncle's doings!Generous,good man,I am afraid he has distressed himself.A small sum could not do all this.”

    “No,”said her father;“Wickham's a fool if he takes her with a farthing less than ten thousand pounds.I should be sorry to think so ill of him,in the very beginning of our relationship.”

    “Ten thousand pounds!Heaven forbid!How is half such a sum to be repaid?”
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>凉釉不小心惹上黎天这个无赖!黎天因为记恨凉釉在电梯里看他,非要趴着凉釉赔偿他损失。第一次,凉釉被威胁。第二次,凉釉被迫当他打赌的筹码。第三次,凉釉愤怒了!(文案无能!)>上片段 “那你?”男人突然声音提高,话语里又出现对刚刚那个女人说话的狠戾。 “我,我,我没看!”凉釉断断续续把话说完整,身子也跟着退到电梯墙角处。 “啊呸!没看你呆在这给我擦鞋啊!”男人继续毫不留情得的指责,凉釉不想再对着这张泛着怒气的狼脸,所幸又跟小媳妇似的又低下头。可巧,这时电梯也开了,凉釉悄悄往数字那一瞧,才知道电梯停在了最顶楼——30楼。 “妈的,出来!”男人手使劲拽着凉釉出电梯,这时凉釉脑海里出现一连串电影里变态杀人狂魔的镜头,她开始奋力挣扎!# 欢迎收藏专栏:不作死的家
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秦尽安:前世被人称为“诸葛再世”,为国御敌七载。一朝生死,结果竟然到了现代。为了完成原身的遗愿而成为一代巨星,全民女神。秦尽安表示演戏她最会了,那七年里没有一个人看出来她是女扮男装的。周重书:……林绍:呵呵。韩芜:和安安对戏最开心了=W=林静静:我女神就是这么吊~ 温馨扫雷事项 ①女主前世女扮男装进军营②女主性格不包子,不心慈手软。③主剧情,感情线极少(亲情友情线比较多)娱乐圈和家长里短(?)一样多④男主:周重书⑤七月开坑,日更。固定10:00更新。入天(V,当天连更三章一万字。晋江(版,其他都是盗版。
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1期有生子,请注意出没哒~~!霸道攻文慢热其实就是个将军把一个破旧的小村子升级为全国最流弊的村子顺便勾搭小受的过程.....鸟尽而良弓藏。一代镇远大将军屈远也逃不脱这个宿命,被皇帝猜忌而死。然而屈远怎么也想不到自己竟然重生了,还是重生在了一千年后的一个农村小混混陈育远身上。就算是成为了社会最底层的人士,屈远依然把前世大将军的行事风格带在了身上,整个陈家村就是他的兵……——村长陈贵明公正廉明,一心为村民考虑,可为副将!——村东陈二柱力大无穷,有勇有谋,可为先锋!——村南陈育文机智灵活,行动迅捷,可为斥候!——村西陈育良的媳妇俞氏好搬弄是非,性情泼辣,此等兵中败类必须惩治!——小学老师方子城智谋过人,见识非凡,是为军师之才!咦,村尾的那个据说穷的连媳妇都娶不上的陈优似乎并不像表面上看的那么简单,待本将军好好查明:嗯,他家的水果真好吃;唔唔,做的菜也非常好吃;啊啊啊,这小子居然能凭空弄出水来,莫非懂得仙术?如此奇人,定要好好收入本将军麾下,就让他担任本将军的贴身侍卫吧!某一天,大将军发现了他的贴身侍卫一个更大的秘密..文将于8月7日(周五)入V,入谢亲们一路支持喜欢作者请收藏(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ烟熏妆新坑文案,有兴趣的可提前包养哦:恐怖片导演是只鬼
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