
    Miss Bennet paused a little, and then replied,“Surely there can be no occasion for exposing him so dreadfully.What is your opinion?”

    “That it ought not to be attempted.Mr.Darcy has not authorised me to make his communication public. On the contrary, every particular relative to his sister was meant to be kept as much as possible to myself; and if I endeavour to undeceive people as to the rest of his conduct, who will believe me?The general prejudice against Mr. Darcy is so violent, that it would be the death of half the good people in Meryton to attempt to place him in an amiable light.I am not equal to it.Wickham will soon be gone;and therefore it will not signify to anyone here what he really is. Some time hence it will be all found out, and then we may laugh at their stupidity in not knowing it before.At present I will say nothing about it.”

    “You are quite right.To have his errors made public might ruin him for ever. He is now, perhaps, sorry for what he has done, and anxious to re-establish a character.We must not make him desperate.”

    The tumult of Elizabeth's mind was allayed by this conversation. She had got rid of two of the secrets which had weighed on her for a fortnight,and was certain of a willing listener in Jane, whenever she might wish to talk again of either. But there was still something lurking behind, of which prudence forbade the disclosure. She dared not relate the other half of Mr. Darcy's letter, nor explain to her sister how sincerely she had been valued by her friend.Here was knowledge in which no one could partake; and she was sensible that nothing less than a perfect understanding between the parties could justify her in throwing off this last encumbrance of mystery.“And then,”said she,“if that very improbable event should ever take place,I shall merely be able to tell what Bingley may tell in a much more agreeable manner himself.The liberty of communication cannot be mine till it has lost all its value!”

    She was now, on being settled at home, at leisure to observe the real state of her sister's spirits.Jane was not happy.She still cherished a very tender affection for Bingley.Having never even fancied herself in love before, her regard had all the warmth of first attachment, and, from her age and disposition, greater steadiness than first attachments often boast;and so fervently did she value his remembrance,and prefer him to every other man, that all her good sense,and all her attention to the feelings of her friends, were requisite to check the indulgence of those regrets which must have been injurious to her own health and their tranquillity.

    “Well,Lizzy,”said Mrs.Bennet one day,“what is your opinion now of this sad business of Jane's?For my part,I am determined never to speak of it again to anybody.I told my sister Phillips so the other day. But I cannot find out that Jane saw anything of him in London.Well,he is a very undeserving young man—and I do not suppose there's the least chance in the world of her ever getting him now.There is no talk of his coming to Netherfield again in the summer;and I have inquired of everybody,too,who is likely to know.”

    “I do not believe he will ever live at Netherfield any more.”

    “Oh well!it is just as he chooses.Nobody wants him to come. Though I shall always say he used my daughter extremely ill;and if I was her,I would not have put up with it.Well,my comfort is, I am sure Jane will die of a broken heart;and then he will be sorry for what he has done.”

    But as Elizabeth could not receive comfort from any such expectation,she made no answer.

    “Well, Lizzy,”continued her mother,soon afterwards,“and so the Collinses live very comfortable, do they? Well,well,I only hope it will last.And what sort of table do they keep?Charlotte is an excellent manager,I dare say. If she is half as sharp as her mother,she is saving enough. There is nothing extravagant in their housekeeping,I dare say.”

    “No,nothing at all.”

    “A great deal of good management, depend upon it.Yes, yes.They will take care not to outrun their income. They will never be distressed for money.Well, much good may it do them!And so, I suppose, they often talk of having Longbourn when your father is dead.They look upon it as quite their own,I dare say,whenever that happens.”

    “It was a subject which they could not mention before me.”

    “No; it would have been strange if they had; but I make no doubt they often talk of it between themselves.Well,if they can be easy with an estate that is not lawfully their own,so much the better.I should be ashamed of having one that was only entailed on me.”
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玄幻奇幻 完结 138万字


(入编辑商定于7月29号入V,入妥的看爽)感谢大家支持,么么,抱~~~)他一直在等自己的末日,没想到等到了世界的末世。丧尸横行,病毒变异。他是从实验室里逃出的基因人鱼,肚子里揣着渣攻的鱼蛋。懵懂的逃到了外面的世界,要怎么在丧尸的世界活下去?渣攻自白: 1、我是忠犬,这是宠文! 2、人鱼是我的,鱼蛋也是! 3、组团打丧尸,海里生孩子! 大深情忠犬攻异能出现!界上没有人鱼,小受是实验室里基因计划合成的,属于人工人鱼。受因为自己身体原因不会被丧尸感染。另一篇新文欢迎收藏: 《卧榻之侧,有猫酣睡》——兽界的王子掉进了人类的世界,书呆子捡了个实力强大的软萌喵,反差萌太大怎么破?
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我对你的爱,从来都是那寂寥黑夜中的星辰,永不坠落,可是你却永远看不清我是哪一颗> 天三更 都市新坑《欢烬》勤更中,亲们新坑求支持哇~~ 完结文《剪爱》,来戳我吧~~ 完结半价文《时有爱情》亲们来戳我吧~~ #
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玄幻奇幻 完结 61万字


苏浅的梦想很简单,就是找个不是很有钱,但也不要太没钱的老公嫁了,安逸的过一辈子。 但这个梦想却终止在秦家大少的手里。 向来冷静自持的她,偏被他惯出了一丝大逆不道的脾性。 —— 为毕业论文忙得焦头烂耳,女人晚上睡不着,看着身边熟睡的男人,毫不留情伸手拧下去。 “你做什么?!”被吵醒的男人十分不悦。 “我睡不着。”女人眨巴眼睛。 “所以?” “你也不许睡!” “……你想要怎样?”咬牙切齿的味道。 “帮我写出来,或者陪我失眠。”女人大言不惭。 “……” 几天之后,老管家看到自家日理万机的少爷仿佛瘦了一圈,而那个原本该为论文忙碌的女人却丰润了不少。 等等!她手里论文的字体,怎么那么像他家少爷的字迹? “少爷你得拿出点威严吓吓她!不能太惯她了!”管家劝。 “再这样下去她早晚要爬到你头上!凶一点!”朋友劝。 男人面无表情,眼神却阴沉沉,“我就喜欢这样惯她,怎么,你们有意见?!” —— 但男人到底是名门权贵,她想要继续留在他身边,就必须得让自己变得更好,才能继续站在他身边。 所以女人渐渐变得更懂事了,可男人却说了好聚好散。 她点头,淡然潇洒的离开。 —— 再后来。 “我们说过好聚好散的,秦先生这又是什么意思?”被软禁在别墅里的女人看着男人淡淡反问。 “听说你要结婚了?”秦少满脸阴沉。 “是的。” 秦少淡定的谈判,“与其让你嫁给别的男人,给人家戴绿帽子,你还是直接嫁给我就好。” 女人开始警惕“你什么意思?” 男人看了女人一眼,语气霸道“你要是敢嫁给别的男人,那我必定会是你出轨的对象!”
玄幻奇幻 完结 176万字