
    It was the second week in May,in which the three young ladies set out together from Gracechurch Street for the town of—,in Hertfordshire; and, as they drew near the appointed inn where Mr.Bennet's carriage was to meet them,they quickly perceived, in token of the coachman's punctuality, both Kitty and Lydia looking out of a dining-room upstairs.These two girls had been above an hour in the place, happily employed in visiting an opposite milliner,watching the sentinel on guard,and dressing a salad and cucumber.

    After welcoming their sisters, they triumphantly displayed a table set out with such cold meat as an inn larder usually affords, exclaiming,“Is not this nice?Is not this an agreeable surprise?”

    “And we mean to treat you all,”added Lydia,“but you must lend us the money,for we have just spent ours at the shop out there.”Then, showing her purchases—“Look here, I have bought this bonnet.I do not think it is very pretty;but I thought I might as well buy it as not.I shall pull it to pieces as soon as I get home, and see if I can make it up any better.”

    And when her sisters abused it as ugly,she added,with perfect unconcern,“Oh!but there were two or three much uglier in the shop; and when I have bought some prettier-coloured satin to trim it with fresh,I think it will be very tolerable.Besides,it will not much signify what one wears this summer, after the—shire have left Meryton,and they are going in a fortnight.”

    “Are they indeed!”cried Elizabeth,with the greatest satisfaction.

    “They are going to be encamped near Brighton; and I do so want papa to take us all there for the summer!It would be such a delicious scheme;and I dare say would hardly cost anything at all.Mamma would like to go,too,of all things!Only think what a miserable summer else we shall have!”

    “Yes,”thought Elizabeth,“that would be a delightful scheme indeed,and completely do for us at once.Good Heaven!Brighton, and a whole campful of soldiers, to us, who have been overset already by one poor regiment of militia,and the monthly balls of Meryton!”

    “Now I have got some news for you,”said Lydia, as they sat down at table.“What do you think?It is excellent news—capital news—and about a certain person we all like!”

    Jane and Elizabeth looked at each other,and the waiter was told he need not stay.Lydia laughed,and said:

    “Aye,that is just like your formality and discretion.You thought the waiter must not hear,as if he cared!I dare say he often hears worse things said than I am going to say.But he is an ugly fellow! I am glad he is gone.I never saw such a long chin in my life.Well, but now for my news;it is about dear Wickham;too good for the waiter,is it not?There is no danger of Wickham's marrying Mary King.There's for you!She is gone down to her uncle at Liverpool:gone to stay.Wickham is safe.”

    “And Mary King is safe!”added Elizabeth;“safe from a connection imprudent as to fortune.”

    “She is a great fool for going away,if she liked him.”

    “But I hope there is no strong attachment on either side,”said Jane.

    “I am sure there is not on his. I will answer for it, he never cared three straws about her—who could about such a nasty little freckled thing?”

    Elizabeth was shocked to think that,however incapable of such coarseness of expression herself, the coarseness of the sentiment was little other than her own breast had harboured and fancied liberal!

    As soon as all had ate,and the elder ones paid,the carriage was ordered; and after some contrivance, the whole party, with all their boxes,work-bags,and parcels,and the unwelcome addition of Kitty's and Lydia's purchases,were seated in it.
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体内异象能克魔?国恨家仇,是真相?搞笑逗货,是过命兄弟?知心爱情,经得起生死考验? 水乡小村走出的少年,面临奇葩考核、学院风云、帝国争锋、种族冲突,诡秘的人性、未知的世界、无尽的险恶……
玄幻奇幻 完结 46万字


【2016最火爆新书推荐】 沧澜帝国,魂力为尊。部落残杀,双亲无音。 面对绝望,孤儿少年靖锋踏上寻亲之路, 却未料遭遇诸多凶险,死里逃生。 这是一个阴谋,还是一场赌局。 待有凌云日,挥斥方遒! 看少年披荆斩棘,魂道无双!
玄幻奇幻 完结 20万字


叶可妍一觉醒来发现她成了别人,她完全不知道怎么回事,反正一觉醒来她不仅穿越了,没有原主的记忆不说,而且还多了两个孩子,多两个孩子没什么,可怕的是她居然是孩子的妈,这简直就是晴天霹雳,等她静下来,她发现还有她更加接受不了的事情,原主居然是未婚妈妈,孩子的爸是谁也没点记录。好吧,看在原主有房子、有存款的份上她认了,好歹她不用担心养不起孩子和自己,在家当全职妈妈也没有什么不好。等一切都变好的时候,孩子的爸出现了。看到人的那一刹那,叶可妍只想说一句。oh my 么会是你?文更新时间一般在早上7:30——9:30分左右,如若有事,一般在晚上19:00——21:00左右补上。亲爱的大大们,由于本人工作问题,本文将于今日下午入V,入大家多多支持,我会更加努力。拒绝转载~~~。
玄幻奇幻 完结 121万字


我爱看你们在生死中徘徊, 我爱看你们在对错中抉择, 我爱看你们从面对对血肉呕吐不止到割下残骸大快朵颐, 你们不是幸运的被选中者,你们只是可悲的求生者。 生命在死亡之中绽放,亦在欢乐之中枯萎  ---鬼牌
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【不要脸前夫篇】 六年前,这男人在他们刚刚结婚后,消失不见 一个月之后,云非墨发现自己怀孕了 六年后再次见面 “凌洛,快点和我去离婚。” “我不老婆,我爱你。” “滚。” ...... 【腹黑萌娃篇】 “小混蛋,你给我闭嘴,小心我把你打包送给老混蛋。” “哼哼,我才不怕,我又不是不认识回家的路,又不是没钱,我不会自己回家呀!” “云非墨我可告诉你,在我没满十八周岁,你都有义务抚养我。”
玄幻奇幻 完结 20万字


二十三年前, 父亲用三百块钱买回来了我老娘。 二十三年后,一个自称我二叔的人回村儿。 爷爷离奇死亡的背后, 到底隐藏着多么大的秘密? 看一个平凡的少年, 如何在一片惊险之中, 如何步步为营揭开本不该被揭开的真相。 丰都鬼城, 神域昆仑, 史前神农架, 神秘的空间, 消失的宗教, 神族的后裔,这一切之间又有什么联系? 嘘, 别吭声, 来跟我, 走进一个千古之谜之中。
玄幻奇幻 完结 251万字