
    The two gentlemen left Rosings the next morning, and Mr. Collins having been in waiting near the lodges, to make them his parting obeisance, was able to bring home the pleasing intelligence, of their appearing in very good health, and in as tolerable spirits as could be expected,after the melancholy scene so lately gone through at Rosings.To Rosings he then hastened, to console Lady Catherine and her daughter; and on his return brought back, with great satisfaction, a message from her ladyship, importing that she felt herself so dull as to make her very desirous of having them all to dine with her.

    Elizabeth could not see Lady Catherine without recollecting that, had she chosen it, she might by this time have been presented to her as her future niece;nor could she think,without a smile, of what her ladyship's indignation would have been.“What would she have said?how would she have behaved?”were questions with which she amused herself.

    Their first subject was the diminution of the Rosings party.“I assure you,I feel it exceedingly,”said Lady Catherine;“I believe no one feels the loss of friends so much as I do.But I am particularly attached to these young men, and know them to be so much attached to me!They were excessively sorry to go! But so they always are.The dear Colonel rallied his spirits tolerably till just at last;but Darcy seemed to feel it most acutely,more,I think,than last year.His attachment to Rosings certainly increases.”

    Mr.Collins had a compliment,and an allusion to throw in here, which were kindly smiled on by the mother and daughter.

    Lady Catherine observed, after dinner, that Miss Bennet seemed out of spirits, and immediately accounting for it by herself, by supposing that she did not like to go home again so soon,she added:

    “But if that is the case,you must write to your mother and beg that you may stay a little longer.Mrs.Collins will be very glad of your company,I am sure.”

    “I am much obliged to your ladyship for your kind invitation,”replied Elizabeth,“but it is not in my power to accept it.I must be in town next Saturday.”

    “Why,at that rate,you will have been here only six weeks. I expected you to stay two months. I told Mrs. Collins so before you came. There can be no occasion for your going so soon. Mrs. Bennet could certainly spare you for another fortnight.”

    “But my father cannot. He wrote last week to hurry my return.”

    “Oh!your father of course may spare you, if your mother can. Daughters are never of so much consequence to a father. And if you will stay another month complete,it will be in my power to take one of you as far as London,for I am going there early in June,for a week;and as Dawson does not object to the barouche-box,there will be very good room for one of you—and indeed,if the weather should happen to be cool,I should not object to taking you both,as you are neither of you large.”

    “You are all kindness,madam;but I believe we must abide by our original plan.”

    Lady Catherine seemed resigned.“Mrs. Collins, you must send a servant with them.You know I always speak my mind, and I cannot bear the idea of two young women travelling post by themselves.It is highly improper.You must contrive to send somebody. I have the greatest dislike in the world to that sort of thing.Young women should always be properly guarded and attended, according to their situation in life.When my niece Georgiana went to Ramsgate last summer,I made a point of her having two men-servants go with her.Miss Darcy,the daughter of Mr.Darcy,of Pemberley,and Lady Anne,could not have appeared with propriety in a different manner.I am excessively attentive to all those things.You must send John with the young ladies,Mrs. Collins.I am glad it occurred to me to mention it;for it would really be discreditable to you to let them go alone.”

    “My uncle is to send a servant for us.”
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自负者,持手中之剑,有死无回。 虔诚者,秉心中义理,无谓是非。 都道是退一步海阔天空,但是前进的人哪有退路?便是有南墙也只能撞得头破血流,涂上猩红...... 是浑浑噩噩的度过每一天?还是为了心中的执着坚持满身疮痍? 答案或许心中已有,或许也没有...... 这是一群偏执者的世界,这是我心中的江湖。这里友情与背叛交织,是虔诚者的乐园,也是偏执者的归宿。
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火辣女遇上工作狂,斗气又斗智,暧昧变爱慕,是她俘虏了他,还是他征服了她? 金娉婷,明艳照人,性格与身材一样火辣,独立有主见,受到家庭的影响,坚决不婚。 容少谦,腹黑邪肆,标准的工作狂,对他来说,女人远远比不上工作重要,唯独她,挑起了他的征服欲。 某晚,醉酒的她霸气的“床咚”了他,却被他邪恶的吃干抹净。 事后,男人纠缠她不放,提出要她嫁给他。 “我睡了你一次,大不了让你睡回一次,凭什么要嫁给你…….”女人嚣张的朝他怒喊,下一秒,突然意识到自己中了男人的套路。 男人从此以债主自居,耍着无赖讨利息,吻她,抱她,把她撩得脸红心跳,失控扑倒他。 “这一次是还给你的,我们之间从此不拖不欠。”女人不屑瞅他。 “错,明明是你饥渴成性扑倒我的,我只是满足你而已,所以,你又多欠我一次。” 某女气得扑向男人想掐死他。 某男邪笑:“说你饥渴还不认,这不,又扑过来了!” 结果,男人再次把女人吃了个干净。 就这样,在男人一次又一次腹黑的撩拨下,女人欠的债越来越多,最后不得不嫁给男人还债。 邪恶的男人光明正大的打着妻债夫还的旗号,夜夜与她纠缠不清,终于,精疲力尽的女人怒吼:“臭男人,你欺人太甚。” 男人却深情回应:“我爱你越深,欺你就越深,此生,我只欺你一人!”
玄幻奇幻 完结 378万字


玄幻奇幻 完结 194万字