
    “I must go instantly to my mother;”she cried.“I would not on any account trifle with her affectionate solicitude;or allow her to hear it from anyone but myself.He is gone to my father already. Oh!Lizzy,to know that what I have to relate will give such pleasure to all my dear family!how shall I bear so much happiness!”

    She then hastened away to her mother, who had purposely broken up the card party,and was sitting up stairs with Kitty.

    Elizabeth, who was left by herself, now smiled at the rapidity and ease with which an affair was finally settled,that had given them so many previous months of suspense and vexation.

    “And this,”said she,“is the end of all his friend's anxious circumspection!of all his sister's falsehood and contrivance!the happiest,wisest,most reasonable end!”

    In a few minutes she was joined by Bingley,whose conference with her father had been short and to the purpose.

    “Where is your sister?”said he hastily,as he opened the door.

    “With my mother upstairs. She will be down in a moment, I dare say.”

    He then shut the door,and,coming up to her,claimed the good wishes and affection of a sister. Elizabeth honestly and heartily expressed her delight in the prospect of their relationship. They shook hands with great cordiality;and then,till her sister came down, she had to listen to all he had to say of his own happiness, and of Jane's perfections; and in spite of his being a lover,Elizabeth really believed all his expectations of felicity to be rationally founded, because they had for basis the excellent understanding, and super-excellent disposition of Jane, and a general similarity of feeling and taste between her and himself.

    It was an evening of no common delight to them all; the satisfaction of Miss Bennet's mind gave a glow of such sweet animation to her face, as made her look handsomer than ever. Kitty simpered and smiled,and hoped her turn was coming soon. Mrs.Bennet could not give her consent or speak her approbation in terms warm enough to satisfy her feelings,though she talked to Bingley of nothing else for half an hour;and when Mr.Bennet joined them at supper,his voice and manner plainly showed how really happy he was.

    Not a word,however,passed his lips in allusion to it,till their visitor took his leave for the night;but as soon as he was gone,he turned to his daughter,and said:

    “Jane,I congratulate you.You will be a very happy woman.”

    Jane went to him instantly,kissed him,and thanked him for his goodness.

    “You are a good girl;”he replied,“and I have great pleasure in thinking you will be so happily settled.I have not a doubt of your doing very well together.Your tempers are by no means unlike.You are each of you so complying,that nothing will ever be resolved on;so easy,that every servant will cheat you;and so generous,that you will always exceed your income.”

    “I hope not so. Imprudence or thoughtlessness in money matters would be unpardonable in me.”
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玄幻奇幻 完结 44万字


“丫头,敢再逃跑试试!” 一不小心惹上晋城最尊贵的男人,从此,成了他捧在掌心的宝。 世人眼里的他:狂傲,霸气,冷漠,不近女色,不容置疑!她眼中的他:邪恶,腹黑,狡猾,最重要的是,凶猛+无耻! 听说他最宠老爷子领养回来的小丫头,宠得无法无天令人发指,百里夏表示她好委屈,他根本就是吃人不吐骨的恶魔! “丫头,过来。”他坐在沙发上,笑得不怀好意:“听话,我会宠你……”
玄幻奇幻 完结 1010万字


关于将军的填房妻: 她,穿越醒来,五岁娃娃,死了爹娘,被人追杀。 面对师父的调戏,仇人的狠毒,她步步为营,腹黑无情,“谁敢来,姑奶奶我弄死他!” 他,大宋将领,雄姿英发,金戈铁马,名扬天下。 却不知怦然心动是所谓何意?“女人,有区别吗?” —————— 当她遇到他,流了口水犯了桃花,如此美男,嗯!定要想个与众不同的办法搞了他! ······ 她女扮男装蹦到人家身上,标准的老树盘根,“有老鼠,好害怕!” “你,你还是下来吧,咱俩都是男人,这样,不,不太好!” “小气鬼,不让我找安全感,我咒你脚底长二十个鸡眼!” ······ 他与她比武打斗,在她胸前狠抓两把,“嗯,功夫不错,就是胸肌太小了些,小兄弟还要多加锻炼才是!” “···”她脸红到了脚丫子,抱头鼠窜! ······ 他将她压于身下,心跳加速,疯狂舌战,“断袖我也认了,做我的填房,你可愿意?” 哇卡,美的冒泡,“将军,不要啊!额···要么让俺来为您解裤腰带吧···” ······ —————— 然而,意外来临,危险漫天,亲情冷漠,疑云重重。 他仰天冷笑,“我都没有在乎你的清白,你又何必计较我的过失?你不觉得你太过分了?” 呵呵,究竟是谁过分? 一切不不忠的证据摆在眼前,她无力辩驳,仰头看天,泪水无声的滑落,原来爱也不过如此。 算了走吧,天下之大,美男众多,何必非要做一个填房? 她重出江湖,挥剑走天涯,乱红尘,撒情种,引得各界美男神经错乱,兴奋不眠。 从今以后,她的人生格言是,“女人越二越有范儿,男人用来当布擦!哈哈哈~!” 当他看到真相千里寻去的时候,“我错了,跟我走!” 她笑的嘻嘻嘻,“将军,俺与契丹相公夜夜笙歌,逍遥快活,你,滚一边儿去!” —————— 本文不小白,不虚情,男女主干净,结局一对一,体会倾世之爱,感动的眼泪哗哗,每日必更,放心跳坑。
玄幻奇幻 完结 208万字


“《第二世界》主脑激活,正在扫描当前游戏环境……” “游戏环境‘地球’扫描完毕,资料录入成功,服务器创建完成,确认玩家信息……” “玩家信息确认完毕,祝玩家‘白晓飞’游戏愉快!” “什么?你说地球变成了一个游戏?玩家只有我一个?”白晓飞兴奋的问道。 普通的椅子:要求等级1级。攻击+5,双手武器,攻击速度0.3,有1%的几率造成敌人眩晕。不可升级。 普通台式电脑:普通民用物品,可以用来交流信息及娱乐,也可以当作投掷道具,需求等级1级,攻击8-15。 “额,椅子难道不时用来坐的吗?电脑难道不是用来上网的吗?”白晓飞吐槽道。 “滴!发现副本——《英雄联盟》,需求等级3级,等级不足,无法进入!”
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易芊芊是一个平凡到极点的女孩,胖胖的身材,平凡的长相,普通的家世,只因小时候暗恋学长递上情书时,被残酷的羞辱后教她发愤向上,美容、护肤、减肥,只要是一样能让她变美的,不管多苦,她都要「咽下去」,果然皇天不负有心人,多年以后,当她以美美的形象再次出现在学长的眼前... [详细介绍]
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玄幻奇幻 完结 6万字